
Heal Your Life With Louise Hay

If you know me, you know that I’m a big fan of Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life. I love sharing this wonderful concept—the idea that we have the ability to heal whatever issues we face in life. In this book, Louise writes that each one of us is responsible for every one our experiences and that every thought we choose creates our future.

If this is true, then any illness that comes into our lives is a reflection of negative thoughts or emotional patterns—which we can change through forgiveness. Louise states that we have the power to choose to think positive thoughts every day and thereby heal any illness we might have. In fact, her book covers a number of illnesses along with the emotional attachment or reason the illness may have manifested.

Don’t get me wrong: when I need a doctor, I go to the doctor. But I have personally found that if I choose to change my thought patterns, the illness I’ve attracted often heals much faster. A great example of this was a recent knee injury that appeared this past February following a ski trip. Since I don’t get to ski very often, I hit the slops hard, skiing 10-plus runs a day. After four days, I noticed some pain in my left knee, but I figured it was just soreness. Boy was I wrong! After two months, my knee had made very little healing progress. Not quite sure what to do, I made an appointment with a doctor. Much to my relief, I had not torn a meniscus or seriously damaged a tendon. The doctor assured me that my knee would heal on its own with rest—however, full recovery could take another six to twelve weeks!

Well, not being the most patient person in the world, I began to think, “Okay, if I attracted this, how can I heal it faster?” That’s when I remembered Louis Hay’s life-changing book. I grabbed my copy and flipped open the page that talked about knees. Interestingly, the emotional attachment for knees was “Pride and Ego.” And the new thought pattern to release it was: “I am flexible and flowing.”

Bingo! I quickly realized that I love to “make things happen” and, lately, I’d been struggling with not “going with the flow” of things. Life, after all, is about balance. This particular thought pattern fit me to a T. So I did a couple of things: I decided that every day I would “allow” the Universe to do its magic with the requests I’d made. I also scheduled a Reiki session with a dear friend of mine. (I’m also a Reiki Master, but this was my treat to myself.) I set my intention for our session to release any old thought patterns and to become flexible and “go with the flow.” After our wonderful session, I returned home, but my knee seemed about the same. However, the next morning, my knee was completely free of pain . . . I promise this is the truth! I was pleasantly shocked, and I thought, Yes, you really can heal your life. Thank you, Louise Hay, for your words of wisdom and my own miraculous experience.

Today, I ask you, what prolonged health issue have you been struggling with? And are you willing to change your thought patterns and maybe even manifest a miracle? Yes, it’s true if you have high cholesterol or some other such health issue, you need to follow your doctor’s orders and change your diet or do whatever else might be necessary. But also take a peak at Louise’s book and see if your outlook becomes brighter and your health improves—perhaps because you, too, believed it was possible. XO Shari

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