
Are You A Lightworker?

You may be wondering how I began my spiritual journey on the path of a Lightworker—and why I made that decision. The answer isn’t simple, and it’s been a progression for me.

As Lightworkers, we honor life as an expression of love, not fear; we may also have spiritual gifts, such as heightened intuition or healing abilities. But, most important, we are here to help others embrace their own enlightenment and gain an understanding of their own authentic and true spiritual self.

As a child, I knew I was intuitive. I seemed to know what someone was going to say just before they said it. Later, I used my intuition in business and personal situations to help me make great decisions. I’ve always loved helping others through my volunteer work or by offering my advice, but I didn’t really embrace the idea of helping others along their own spiritual paths until much later in life.

For me, my corporate career left me unsatisfied and exhausted. I realized I was happier when I was seeking answers to the age-old question: Why am I here? I began to study metaphysics, reading hundreds of books and taking classes, and eventually I completed my Reiki Master Training in England. The metaphysical light bulb finally went off! I was meant to be a teacher, a healer, and an inspirational writer—a Lightworker.

In my book, Journey of the Lightworker, my main character, Kyra, also goes through an amazing life-changing transformation. In the beginning, she is living the American Dream and seemingly has it all, but then slowly becomes aware of how unhappy living “a life of illusion” has been for her. The Universe intervenes with a new path, sending her on an adventure across three continents. Along the way, she learns what’s truly important in life—and what simply needed to fall away because it no longer served her life’s purpose.

Are you a Lightworker, too? If you are seeking answers in your life, ask yourself the following questions:

(1) Do you feel a personal connection to God, Source Energy or the Universe?

(2) Do you find great satisfaction in helping others and take the time to do so – even if it is just one person at a time? This provides you great joy.

(3) Have you experienced heightened intuition in a situation that you just couldn’t explain? Or have you pursued the healing arts such as Reiki or Healing Touch because you wanted to help and heal others?

(4) Are you a counselor to those around you offering advice on making better decisions based on love and not fear?

(5) Do you enjoy teaching, writing, or using other artistic mediums to inspire people and uplift them?

(6) Do you enjoy seeking answers to who you are through unconventional means? Your old way of doing things no longer suits you.

(7) Do you love the Earth and it’s animals, even volunteering your time to help preserve our beautiful environment and our wonderful animal companions?

(8) Do you desire to make a positive change in the world by helping to heal our social illnesses and do so by taking action?

If you answered ‘yes’ to four or more of these questions, then likely you are a Lightworker. If you’re still not sure, then please join me for an exciting adventure when my book is released . . . and perhaps the answers will become clearer to you as you follow along.

Namaste and blessings this week! XO Shari

5 thoughts on “Are You A Lightworker?”

  1. Yes, to many of the questions. Though I do not consider myself a lightworker as much as I do a Beacon, Guru or Watchtower.

    Are you a Lightworker, too? If you are seeking answers in your life, ask yourself the following questions:

    (1) Do you feel a personal connection to God, Source Energy or the Universe? YES

    (2) Do you find great satisfaction in helping others and take the time to do so – even if it is just one person at a time? This provides you great joy. YES

    (3) Have you experienced heightened intuition in a situation that you just couldn’t explain? Or have you pursued the healing arts such as Reiki or Healing Touch because you wanted to help and heal others?

    (4) Are you a counselor to those around you offering advice on making better decisions based on love and not fear? Nope

    (5) Do you enjoy teaching, writing, or using other artistic mediums to inspire people and uplift them? YES

    (6) Do you enjoy seeking answers to who you are through unconventional means? Your old way of doing things no longer suits you. YES

    (7) Do you love the Earth and it’s animals, even volunteering your time to help preserve our beautiful environment and our wonderful animal companions? YES

    (8) Do you desire to make a positive change in the world by helping to heal our social illnesses and do so by taking action? YES

    • Thanks Stuart for taking time to answer my questions about being a Lightworker. I truly believe you do amazing work with those afflicted by MS, and you are clearly enlightening others who face this same challenge. Very inspirational and important work. I feel blessed to be associated with you and much love my Lightworker friend. Shari

  2. Great blog Shari! In a world full of fearful distractions, being a lightworker can be quite difficult at times. Unfortunately, the media tends to focus on all the negativity— which is a reality, but most certainly doesn’t need any extra attention. Yes, bad things do happen and life doesn’t always go as planned. However, when we learn how to focus more on love and less on fear, we need not feed into the proverbial fires associated with negativity! Thanks again for reminding us what’s important in life… helping others and loving ourselves, flaws and all.


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