Work With Shari

An inspired creator, Shari has designed tools to help you become a lighter, brighter version of yourself! As a Lightworker, she will help bring light into your world so you can experience a more loving and fulfilled way of living. Her meditation series will guide you to become still, focused, and mindful, thus creating the life you have always desired. In this insightful series, Shari discusses different types of meditation that allow you to tap into your full potential and ultimately create your own daily practice. This takes only 15 minutes a day and can be truly life changing!

In addition to Shari’s meditation series, videos of her popular blog posts motivate you to take positive action in your life. Less than 5 minutes in length, they are the perfect way to start off your day. Looking for weekly inspiration? Enjoy a weekly inspirational blog post each Monday morning to offer you positive reinforcement and insight for your week ahead.

Shari is also embarking on a local guest-speaking tour at several upcoming events on the topics of authenticity and spiritualism. Sign up for her bimonthly newsletter and stay informed of upcoming events:

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